Torta de limão (Brazilian Lime Pie)

Torta de limão (Brazilian Lime Pie)

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO   The “Key Lime Pie” is a world-famous recipe. It was first made in the Florida Keys during 19th century famine, at the end of the American Civil War. This recipe was a peasant dish made with the few…

Torta de liquidificador (Savory Pie)

Torta de liquidificador (Savory Pie)

The “torta de liquidificador” is a homely dish, very easy to make and very tasty. It can be served hot, warm or cold, straight out of the fridge. It is always present at picnics, parties and buffet parties and it is great as a main…

Tutu de feijão (Bean Purée)

Tutu de feijão (Bean Purée)

The “tutu” consists of bean purée thickened with manioc flour or corn flour. Manioc flour has been added to beans to improve the nutritive value of the meal during the XVIII century expeditions to explore the new world’s territory and to search for gold and…

Vaca atolada (Beef Ribs with Manioc)

Vaca atolada (Beef Ribs with Manioc)

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO   “Vaca atolada” is a typical dish from the inner regions of Brazil, particularly in the state of Minas Gerais (doutheast part of the country). There are some versions about the origin of such a curious name: “mired cow”.…

Vatapá (Prawns in Coconut Milk Sauce)

Vatapá (Prawns in Coconut Milk Sauce)

“Vatapá” originates from Africa and it is one of the great classics of the state of Bahia’s cuisine, characterized by the distinct flavor of ingredients such as palm oil, coconut milk and coriander. Prawns are the basis for a cream-like sauce, which is served with…

Virado à paulista (Bean Purée with Pork)

Virado à paulista (Bean Purée with Pork)

The “tutu” served with white rice, “couve refogada”, “torresmo” (cracklings), fried sausage and fried egg is the tasty “virado à paulista”, the traditional Monday lunch menu at São Paulo (Brazil). Ingredients • 1 recipe of “tutu de feijão” • 150 g bacon or cracklings •…

Fruit Smoothie and Avocado Smoothie (VITAMINA DE FRUTA E DE ABACATE)

Fruit Smoothie and Avocado Smoothie (VITAMINA DE FRUTA E DE ABACATE)

click here to watch the video “Vitamina de fruta” is fruit smoothie: a mix of fruits blended with milk or fruit juice, usually orange juice. Nothing else could be easier, better and more nutritious than “vitamina”. You can combine your favorite fruits but just a…

ABACATE (alligator pear)

ABACATE (alligator pear)

Clicca qui per vedere il video Come pulire l’avocado   L’abacateiro (Persea americana), nativo dell’America Centrale e del nord dell’America del Sud, è un elegante albero subtropicale che può arrivare fino a 20 m di altezza. Viene utilizzato nell’alimentazione umana, nell’industria dei cosmetici e di medicamenti…