Strogonoff (Stroganoff)

Strogonoff (Stroganoff)

Stroganoff has its origins in the aristocratic Russian kitchen in the seventeenth century. There are so many different versions but this recipe has certainly traveled worldwide and there are always many local variations to the original Russian recipe. (Information source: Russia Oggi.it) In Brazil it…

Suco de abacaxi (Pineapple Juice)

Suco de abacaxi (Pineapple Juice)

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO This delicious juice is a homemade recipe at practically zero cost and practically effortless to make: a cheap recipe that wastes nothing, a real comfort food. Pineapple is a typically tropical fruit, and it is said that its skin,…

Suco de melancia (Watermelon Juice)

Suco de melancia (Watermelon Juice)

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO   Watermelon is a very common fruit in Italy as in Brazil, but the juice, in Italy, remains virtually unknown. Don’t miss it … try it! Ingredients • watermelon (about 250 g for a large glass) • sugar, if…

Suco e geléia de uva (Grape juice and grape jam)

Suco e geléia de uva (Grape juice and grape jam)

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO   The grape juice is a delicious and healthy beverage, and it is one of the most popular juices in Brazil. In recent years it grew more than the others grape products, has shown positive export growth and it…

Suflê de chuchu (Chayote Soufflé)

Suflê de chuchu (Chayote Soufflé)

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO RECIPE   Chayote Soufflé is a refined and delicate dish, and it makes a great appetizer or a great side dish. Soufflé dish is a classic French recipe, whose main characteristics are lightness and softness. Furthermore, it should be…

Tabule (Tabbouleh)

Tabule (Tabbouleh)

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO   The Arabic food, its smells and its spices, arrived in Brazil in the 19th century with the Syrians and Lebanese immigrants. Food preparations like esfiha and quibe have become national Brazilian dishes. “Tabbouleh” is a light and healthy…

Tender (Glazed Ham)

Tender (Glazed Ham)

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO   “Tender” is a small boneless fully cooked ham. It is traditional Christmas and New Year’s Eve recipe, especially in cities, where foreign influence is very strong. Spices, fresh and canned fruit are commonly used to flavour the ham,…

Torta de frango (Chicken Pie)

Torta de frango (Chicken Pie)

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO   “Torta de frango” or “empadão” (big “empadinha”) is a very popular dish which probably came from Portugal, where the “pastelaria” (pastry know-how) is an old tradition. There is a lot of different “salty pies” around the world, such…